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The Armuchee Hall of Fame recognizes and says thank you to folks who've helped make Armuchee the State of Mind that it is.
Who do YOU think deserves to be in the Armuchee Hall of Fame?
Use the Nomination Form to tell us. Or, vote below for someone else's nominee. If you've never voted before or don't know the rules, please click here to read the How-To.

Here are the votes received thru November 5, 2008.

NomineeLegacy# votesClick to vote
Richie UnderwoodDeceased315Vote
B.J. PharrDeceased221Vote
Ray Dougherty (Mr. D)Businessman166Vote
Sam JonesDer Educator Zehr Gut151Vote
Rev. Willard MacAllasterDeceased136Vote
William "Chip" LimbrickOle Miss Rebel130Vote
Louise ShellnuttEducator/Homemaker119Vote
Seth T. CollinsAthlete/Scholar84Vote
Erick HopperAthlete/Scholar67Vote
Marcia Cox ElyMissionary/Athlete55Vote
Tommy WelchEducator/Coach49Vote
Garvin EdwardsEducator/Coach48Vote
Mr. StanleyPhilanthropist40Vote
Calvin BakerCoach37Vote
Derek RuddAthlete/CEO35Vote
Edward "Large Ed" Lee CorbinActor28Vote
Hon. Larry SalmonJudge26Vote
Thomas HarrisEducator/Coach24Vote
Greg HerringDeceased24Vote
Tommy RickmanLaw Enforcement21Vote
Mike MillerEducator/Coach18Vote
Hugh SelmanEducator/Coach18Vote
Herman YarbroughHistorian18Vote
Pam FergusonEducator16Vote
Benjamin Graves MortonEducator16Vote
Barry NixAthlete/Fireman16Vote
David EuryCoach/State Patrol15Vote
Mitch (Dr. P) AblesDeceased14Vote
Allison McCauleyDeceased14Vote
Billy RickmanAthlete14Vote
Betty SelmanEducator14Vote
Charlie WeatherfordEducator/Coach13Vote
Isaac DawkinsDeceased12Vote
Brad PraterMinister12Vote
Sheila SmithEducator/Coach12Vote
Rev. David ThorntonPastor12Vote
John WilsonEducator/Coach12Vote
Wallace HouseCoach11Vote
Joyce HendersonEducator/Coach9Vote
Yancey HeltonBusinessman/Soothsayer8Vote
Lisa WilsonEntertainer8Vote
Jon W. BrownAthlete7Vote
Jackie CollinsEducator/Administrator7Vote
Tim HeltonBusinessman/Engineer7Vote
Danny HughesAthlete/Pastor7Vote
David McGheeAthlete7Vote
Gerald SmithAthlete/Intangibles7Vote
Jeff StoreyAthlete7Vote
Terry BrandinEducator6Vote
Robin JarrellEducator/Coach6Vote
Patricia TaylorStudent6Vote
Alfred TrappAthlete6Vote
Vivian BrownEducator/Missionary5Vote
W.L. BrownEducator5Vote
Alan HerringVeterinarian5Vote
Tommy HopperDeceased5Vote
Steve StoreyAthlete5Vote
Jewell EuryEducator/Volunteer4Vote
David McCollumPostmaster4Vote
Scott PierceEducator/Coach4Vote
Elsie ScogginsPhilanthropist4Vote
Jeff BlankenshipTeacher3Vote
E.T. CaldwellPhilanthropist3Vote
Mittie HawkinsPhilanthropist3Vote
Seaborn WrightPhilanthropist3Vote
Jeff BrownFCTV2Vote
John CooperBusinessman2Vote
Dottie GreggEducator/Administrator2Vote
Lewis A. HelmsPhilanthropist2Vote
Spc. Justin JohnsonKilled in Action2Vote
Harold A. (Bull) LindseyDeceased2Vote
Mark BurchAthleteNEW NomineeVote
Becky CarneyAthleteNEW NomineeVote
Scott N. CushingCoachNEW NomineeVote
W.C. DunawayAthleteNEW NomineeVote
Don EnisCoachNEW NomineeVote
Cody EverettAthleteNEW NomineeVote
Tim KeaslerAthleteNEW NomineeVote
Joseph PethelAthleteNEW NomineeVote
Billy RamseyAnnouncerNEW NomineeVote
Kim TetrickAnnouncerNEW NomineeVote

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